
Wednesday, 20 November 2013

The Friend Tag

Firstly, my sincerest apologies for having disappeared from this blog of late - I have been very busy with life and my other blogs.
Today I thought I'd post about a really good topic - friendships. Friendships are great, especially when you have a very intimate friend. My most intimate friend (here I mean as in the person I tell pretty much EVERYTHING to) is probably my older sister. (You can find her here) She's amazing : )

But, yes, I do have other friends who aren't my sisters :)

I have decided to create a Friends award/tag. But there's a special rule:

1. Let your tagger know that you received notification.
2. Post the award picture and rules to your blog,
and answer your tagger's five questions.
3. Tag five blogger-friends, but at least ONE OF THEM
4. Give them five questions and notify them that you have tagged them.
5. (Optional Rule: Give your readers a freindship quote at the
end of your tag post : )
[P.S. You may tag group-bloggers]

Okay, so you know the rules...I am tagging:

-Elizabethany (the aforementioned sister)
-Laura King
-Amy Dashwood (met via Blogger)
-Melody (met via Blogger)

My Questions
1. What is your favourite colour?
2. What food would you never eat and why?
3. Do you have a favourite place to meet with your friends?
4. What do you and your friends like doing together?
5. How do you greet your friends every time you meet them? What about on Blogger?

Sorry the first two aren't really friend-related!

My Answers (just for fun)
1. Blue-green (turquoise)
2. Umm, Brussel Sprouts. They have a bad reputation.
3. Yup! We usually meet at Church or Catechism classes or Spanish/Soccer practice.
4. Ah...oh, yes! We tickle eachother. All the time. Yes, I know it sounds crazy, at least 13-yr-olds. 
running around giggling and stuff. Yup, we're a bit silly sometimes. Sometimes.
5. Hugs!!! (And tickling)

Yes, I should probably be getting off now....

Here's your quote!


: )

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Bible Reading Plan

I have comprised my own Bible reading plan. It includes the chapter sub-headings from my NIV version and tick-boxes for when you're done reading. I thought you might like it if I shared this with you. Here is the first one - the book of Genesis. You are most welcome to download this for your own use. I have not as yet discovered a straight-forward way to add the PDF to this post, I shall have to email it to any interested. If you would like this, please contact me at, and leave the following: name, email, what you intend to use it for (just to confirm, cases can vary, you see),  & any other preferences. Please also feel free to ask me any questions about this or anything else at the above address.

God bless,

P.S. If you have any tips on how I could add the PDF to the post for easy download, please let me know!

Monday, 25 February 2013

Violets & Daisies Brilliant Blog Bouquet Award

Firstly, thankyou so much Violet of Violets & Daisies for awarding me!

Blog Award Rules:

Put a link to who gave you the award
Post the award to your blog
Answer the questions
Choose 5 blogs to receive the award
Let them know you've awarded them

Blog Award Questions: 
1. If you could have a "flower pen name" like we have here on our blog, 
Violets and Daisies, what would it be?
2. What is your favourite ever Bible verse and why?
3. What are the blogs which inspire you most?
4. If you and your friends could visit any country in the world, where would you go?
5. If you have one, feel free to share your testimony as to how you became a Christian.

And my answers:
1. Hmm, probably Poppy.
2. I have heaps! If I had to pick one, it would most likely be Psalm 116 verse12: "How can I repay the LORD for all of his goodness to me?" I like it because it is such a beautiful verse and reminds me that I can't possibly repay God for all he has done - it's that great!
3. I have to say that Violets and Daisies is probably the most inspiring blog I have ever come across!
4. Our family have friends who live in the United States and family that live in Canada, and one of my best friends comes from the States, so the USA, and probably Europe and the UK. (My great-grandmother lived in England as a little girl during WWII.)
5. I don't really have one, I have grown up in a Christian household with good Christian friends and family, which I am very thankful for. But there is, I suppose, one's own conviction of Salvation. 

The five blogs I would like to receive the award are:
Lily  of  Violets & Daisies
Laura of Books, Poems and Everyday Life
Miss Margaret Dashwood of An Accomplished Young Lady
Miss Marianne of The P&P95 Forever Club
Hyancinth of Violets & Daisies

Thanks again for awarding me Violet!

Friday, 22 February 2013

The First Chapter of My Story

I would like this to be the cover for my book.

I would like this picture to be the on the back cover of the book if I get it published.

Chapter One

Christy pulled the pail out of the well and headed back to the kitchen. As she returned to her dormitory, she rehearsed her plan to herself in her head. She would leave. She would be fourteen tomorrow. She would leave the orphanage. She had been there for eight years – ever since she was six. As she tucked the little girls in, she kissed each sleeping form tenderly on the forehead, deciding not to tell them. “They’ll know soon enough.” She thought.
          For a long time, Christy had felt that her headmaster was hiding something from her – and her desire to find a living relative strengthened.
“Family – Christy, you must have some family somewhere.” Her mind was a blur. Surely she had relatives other than her fifteen-year-old cousin, Albert, who lived on his own just out of town. He had been so kind to her. She had taken the last name “Ward” as her own, for it was his surname. The orphaned assigned all unknown children with new last names if they did not know their own. Christy knew simply “Chrissie” when she was turned in – that was all she knew – she had no idea how she became an “orphan”, or where her family were; just “Chrissie” and “Chrissie lost.” The matron supposed her to be in a shock or a trance. Christy shuddered at the thought of not knowing anything about herself. She felt that fourteen was the time to grow up and start finding that out.
          All this time she was thinking, she was packing her carpet bag, and a small leather satchel. She dressed quickly into her blue cotton dress, pulled on her white stockings, and buttoned up her black boots. She pulled the thick red coat and blue scarf Albert had brought her out of the closet and put them on.
Christy tied a yellow floral ribbon in her wavy brown hair and looked around. As she was the oldest girl in the orphanage, she had her own room. It consisted of necessary furnishings:  a bed, dresser, mirror and a trunk. She surveyed herself critically in the mirror. Satisfied with her appearance, she emptied out the trunk of her personal belongings and transferred them to the satchel, along with an apple and some sandwiches she had saved from lunch.
          Christy took her purse from inside her pillowcase. It contained money, which she had saved from her small monthly allowance, and the stagecoach ticket Albert had bought for her. This she placed carefully inside the satchel, fastened the buckle and slung the bag over her shoulder. She picked up the carpet bag, looked at herself in the mirror one last time, and crept out of her room and down the hall. Once outside, she advanced toward the tree where she and Albert had agreed to meet.
          “Chrissie,” came the whisper.
          “Albert.” Her cousin was a few inches taller than her, so she had to look up to him.
          “I was beginning to think you’d changed your mind.” He said.
          Christy took a deep breath. “No.” She breathed.
Albert handed her a corked glass bottle of fresh water from his stream, and a roll of dollar bills.
          “Thanks.” Christy tucked the money into the bottom of her carpet bag, and the bottle of water into the brown satchel. She gave him a quick hug.
          “I’ll write you.” She promised.
          “So will I.” Albert replied. “Promise to tell me how you’re doing and...and stuff, okay?”
          “I will.”
          “Goodbye,” Christy said, “I’ll miss you.”
With that, she headed to the post-office where the stage-coach was waiting. Albert watched for a minute or two, then he also left.
Christy rapped briskly on the post-office window. A lady with wiry spectacles answered her knock.
          “Excuse me,” Christy began, “When is the South Carolina stage due to leave?”
          The lady checked her watch. “Five minutes.” She replied brusquely, and shut the window.
Christy sat down on the porch of the post-office.
Soon enough, the stage-coach appeared. Christy boarded it with one final wistful look around the town she loved. Several minutes later, and all familiar surroundings faded away.
In the coach with her were an elderly couple, who introduced themselves as Mr. & Mrs. Marvin and Petra Wright, and a young man (about 23, Christy guessed) who had stringy orange hair and a moustache, and did not speak at all.
“I’m Christy.” Said the owner of that name politely.
“What’s your last name, dear?” Inquired Mrs. Wright.
Christy thought quickly – “Carr.” She fibbed. She didn’t want the orphanage to track her down too quickly. She figured they probably would eventually, though.
The journey to Raleigh was a long, dusty trip. Christy slept that night with her mind full of jumbling thoughts: Albert, the orphanage, and Raleigh, where she wanted to start a new life. 

There you have it! Hope you enjoyed reading - let me know what you think! 
(Sorry the alignment isn't very good.)

God Bless,